About EnglishClase

EnglishClase is an English classroom providing web-based video conference classes for all levels (AO-C2) and ages. I provide Cambridge Exam preparation classes for groups and individuals as well as Conversation classes and Business classes.

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Group Exam Classes

Fixed Cambridge PET and FCE Exam classes 2 x 1hr classes every week following a coursebook just like a normal classroom environment. Running from September 13th – 30th June. 1 or 2 year courses depending on the students needs. Inscription open now...

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Private Classes

You are the boss, One to One class or form your own group. I can provide Cambridge Exam classes B1 to C2, University exams, Selectividad, Conversation classes and Business classes. Inscription open now...

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Level Test

Need to know your level and which course you should be studying for? Take my quick online level test and I will contact you with a quick video interview to help you determine your next steps.

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Why EnglishClase?

My name is James and I am a fully qualified English teacher from England. I have been teaching English in Spain since 2012. I most recently taught at London Centre Academy in Los Remedios, where i gave classes for 6 years. I have taught all ages from 3 up to 80 years old and all levels from absolute beginner A0 up to proficiency C2.

I have also taught Business English within various companies, with the most notable being within the head office of Imaginarium in Zaragoza, giving classes to the Logistics Director and Marketing Director.

I like my lessons to be fun and engaging. I want my students to pass their exams but also have all the skills they need to continue using English so they can use it in everyday life.

English teaching as well as other forms of teaching and learning have changed in 2020. Due to these uncertain times, it is important people can continue their studies in a comfortable environment without disruption and uncertainty. Our online video conference classes have been tried and tested and I am confident that students can receive the same quality of teaching as in a real classroom environment. Classes are held on the web video conferencing website Zoom with password secured classrooms with teacher controls that allow only recognised students into the class.

Maximum number of 6 students per class

More student talk time

Greater teacher connection and assistance

Catch up Friday

Direct contact with the teacher

EnglishClase is James Noble. Students and parents are more connected to the teacher which means they are more aware of their progress being made. Parents can also view homework tasks set on the website as well have access to a load of extra learning materials and links. Parents and students can request meetings for regular updates as well as be provided with progress reports every term.

Catch up Friday

Where possible I will hold extra classes for students unable to come to a previous clase (Held every two weeks)
  • Natalia English Clase

    Natalia – Conversation

    Sobre james,me gustaría resaltar el buen método de trabajo que usa. Hace que las clases sean dinámicas, divertidas y gracias a eso aprendes mucho más. Te ayuda a memorizar conceptos y vocabulario poniendo muchos ejemplos de la vida cotidiana. Al principio, como el 90% de los que empezamos a estudiar ingles, sentimos mucha vergüenza al hablar, el en todo momento te transmite energías positivas y te motiva para perder el miedo al speaking. Muy flexible con los horarios. Recomendable 100%
  • Nacho – B1, B2 and C1

    Nacho – B1, B2 and C1

    I have been attending English classes for several years, and I have passed B1,B2 and C1 Cambridge exams thanks to James. The way he has taught English to me is unique and innovative as well as entertaining. I can only be thankful for all the things I have learned throughout the years that I have been going to James’ classes.
  • Marta - B2 - English Clase

    Marta - B2

    I would highly recommend taking English classes with James. He was exactly who I was looking for to improve my English. In his classes I learned more than grammar and vocabulary. With him I gained enough confidence to speak fluently. Also I improved weaknesses while having a good time, in fact time passes too fast in his classes. He is, by far, the best option to study English because he brings a part of England to his classes. He explains with passion and empathy and that’s the way to start a new language or improve it. In my case I’m always going to count on him because its an opportunity to truly learn this language and culture.
  • brothers-b1-b2 - English Clase

    Brothers Arturo, José, and Jorge (Junior, Jovenes, B1 and B2)

    José - Cuando hablas de James hablas de un profesor extraordinario, tanto en el habito de aprendizaje como en el diversión, me ha ayudado mucho durante los años que estuve con el. Me gusta su forma de explicar y siempre ha intentado ayudarme a mi y mis compañeros en los fallos o en las cosas que no sepas. Muy recomendable, un gran profesor. Jorge - Súper buen profesor, increíble forma de explicar, muy creativo. Me ayudo prácticamente en todo para estar listo para mi B1 Y aprobarlo con gran nota!! Arturo - James es un profesor excelente, divertido, responsable y cercano. Siempre respetuoso a atento a los necesidades de todos sus alumnos. Se administra bien el tiempo en sus clases, sabe español pero nunca lo emplea durante ellas. Me ayudó mucho y fue mi profesor y el dos compañeros cuando aprobamos el PET Y FCE de Cambridge, aunque me consta que ha dado clases muchos años a muchos niveles, tanto superiores (C1,C2) con mayores y jóvenes, como iniciales y con niños pequeños (A1, A2). Una muy Buena persona y gran docente.